Monica Stoltzfus
You can better read our letters, with pictures, at
So this week still finds us at the Mennonite Guest House, not sure what is coming next. We are still hearing reports of election violence in Kenya, in places like Eldoret, Kisumu, Narok, Mombasa, and even some in the outskirts and slums of Nairobi. We are praying that the situation will soon be under control, and we will know our next move.
Clair and Beth Good have been here a little over a week, and were able to take us to visit Olepolos, where they had served for several years. This area is predominantly the Mossai tribe, which is pretty different from where we lived in Songhor among the Lous. The roads were clear for a couple of days in between protests, so we drove out Sunday morning to experience the church service. It was different from the church we are working with in Songhor, with a lot more tribal dancing and songs for worship. We understood very little of it, as it was in Mossai, but it was still really neat to see church done a little differently. While we were there, we visited another refugee camp, similar to the one we saw in Songhor. However, these refugees seemed to be better off with more supplies and tents for shelter. Yet, it was still sad to see how little these people had. We returned Monday evening, glad to have a break and to get out of the Mennonite Guest House for the weekend.
The other highlight of our week was on Friday when we went to the Mossai market. This is where many local Kenyans bring clothes, crafts, wares, etc. to sell mostly to tourists. It was a little overwhelming at first when we walked in, because there were people constantly pressing in, trying to sell us their handicrafts, and there were wares everywhere. It was also a new experience to barter, not knowing how much to pay, and knowing that we were probably being taken advantage of. But it was a lot of fun, and we bought some really neat souvenirs.
- That God has kept us safe here at the Mennonite Guest House amidst all the unrest in Kenya.
- That we will get to see John Mutisya today!
Prayer requests:
- For Gordon Obado, one of our outreach coordinators, and his family as his wife passed away last week. They had 3 kids of their own, and adopted 2 more. The funeral was yesterday in Songhor.
- That Bishop Clyde and his family would have safety in Songhor.
- That we would have patience amidst all the unknowns right now, and that we could use this time in Nairobi to reach out to others.
Thank you for all your prayers,
Monica Stoltzfus for the Kenya team